Our mission is to produce published or original works that focus on the strength and perseverance of women through strong female characters.
We are actively striving to make theatre a more inclusive place and removing barriers to opportunity for underrepresented communities.

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eMBer Women’s Theatre was created by longtime friends Melissa Bair and Michelle Batt. Since 2001, Melissa and Michelle have worked side by side producing, acting, and directing shows together for various different companies throughout Columbus. During this time, the two friends began to notice that there was a distinct lack of productions in the Columbus area that focused on women and their dynamic relationships with each other and society as a whole.

Finally, in 2016, Melissa and Michelle’s growing friendship, their desire to expand the production of scripts with strong female characters, and their mutual love for the play Steel Magnolias all came together with a wonderful idea, to produce these shows themselves. Thus, eMBer Women’s Theatre was born.

In theatre, there are many women characters, but not many plays are produced that focus on their relationships, triumphs, and tragedies. Melissa and Michelle decided to change that. Steel Magnolias became their first production, which was met with rapturous audience acclaim, and the two friends realized that they were on to something. The Columbus audiences wanted to see more shows that celebrate the female experience.

Now in eighth season, Melissa and Michelle hope to continue producing works which speak to and for women.